Innocent Children

What do you see when you look in this baby's eyes? Innocence? That is what I see. She trusts because to live she has to trust those who look after her. She is not capable of looking out for herself. She needs the love and guidance that comes from her parents. Specifically her mother. Mothers have a way of connecting to their young because it is a trait that comes from God.

Being a mother is one of the hardest and most rewarding experiences. Every sacrifice taken to make sure that your children are reared in righteousness is worth it. There will be days that it will seem easier to go to work... because it probably is. This doesn't mean that it is the best choice. Help your sweet ones keep their innocence. Help them learn in a safe place. Even when you don't feel like you have anything to offer your children and the daycare has better lesson plans and kids to play with... that isn't what your child needs while they are young. They learn from just experiencing the world around them. Seeing, touching, and handling objects. This young baby is in the middle of experiencing this pear. She is learning that is has shape and that it is hard. She is learning that is it is smooth to the touch. She is building neuro pathways in her mind that will help her learn in the future. What will be the foundation that is laid there? Will she remember that you love her and because you love her you give up your own selfish desires for fame and fortune to help her?

Trust that you have the gifts of being a mother. You are able to pray and gain insight for your children. He loves you the same as he loves your children born or yet to be born. Trust that God knows more than you or I and he has a plan for each of us. Be that innocent child that Trusts God to make it through without the additional paycheck. It is worth it!!
