On the Path

Life has grand plans for me. When I look up at the grand world I feel small and don't think there is a place for my small contribution. How do I move past this feeling of smallness to live greatness? Is there greatness for me or for you? Of course there is! God created this amazing world for us to gain experience. As we stack up the small contributions and add to them and rely on Jesus Christ to contribute more than you have to give. They add up slowly over time. 
I am small and I am working to become what God sees for me. This required me to look up. It requires me to put my trust in Him. 
Reading in the scriptures a little ever day. Makes this large world and easier place to be. I can see the world in a new light and believe in God who knows me personally. He sees me for who I am and he will take my hand and mold me into the mother, daughter, and wife that he wants me to be. As I focus my efforts on what I have to offer -my will- to Him, then I will be shown the path for me. God understands my challenges. He understands my limitations and then he takes my hand and says, "This is to help you come to me. Look to me and live." he is the light and the truth. He wants the best for me and the best for you. Do you trust Him enough to take his hand in yours on this journey that we call life? I know that as I have trusted Christ that he has led me to the best place that I can be. He has given me direction when I have felt lost. 
Photo by Alexas Fotos from Pexels
As a girl I never felt that I was anyone of consequence. I always felt that there was someone that could do everything better than I could. I didn't have the talent or the time to accomplish anything grand. Where does this voice of inadequacy come from? Of course it comes from the devil, the father of all lies. He doesn't want me to be happy because then I will help spread my light to those around me and they might be happy as well. Well now is always a good time to say no to the voice of lies and help spread some happiness in this world of doubt. God has a plan for you. Will you listen? Will you be distracted by others? Spread your light and watch your world begin to change line upon line. 
"Be the difference you wish to see in the world." -Gandhi
In life everything starts out small and simple... Don't let it stay there. Learn what you can and become the one God can rely on to fulfill his work here on the earth. Be great! He loves you!


  1. I love reading your blog. It is very uplifting and always leave you striving to become a better person.


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