Death is Not the End

2 Nephi 10:25
Book of Mormon
25 Wherefore, may God raise you from death by the power of the resurrection, and also from everlasting death by the power of the atonement, that ye may be received into the eternal kingdom of God, that ye may praise him through grace divine. Amen.

Death is part of life. Everyone that comes to earth will experience death. For some it comes early in life. For others it comes late, but it comes. 

When my father died it was a shock. He didn't act sick. He was a hard worker and always had a cheery attitude about his work. He was diagnosed with chronic leukemia, but he didn't complain or even act sick. I had some small glimpses into the fact that he probably wouldn't make it too long with little thoughts that came to my mind at different times. I realize now that those came from the spirit trying to prepare me for when he would be gone. My father was the glue to his own family growing up and he was the glue for our family along with my mother. He encouraged me to gain my own testimony of the restored gospel and even took us on a long trip to go and see all of the church history sites. He told us all the stories from the prophets to the pioneers. He helped me see that God has the power to overcome death.

God is in control he knows what is best for us. Death is swallowed up in the power of Christ's atonement. His gift to us is incomprehensible. I can see that lots of what God had done is outside my ability to comprehend. He doesn't expect me to understand everything right now. What he does expect me to do is trust Him. I need to trust that he is in control and that when he says he can break the bands of death that it is true. I do trust him. I know that I will see my father again. My earthly father and also my heavenly father. That I will be able to thank Jesus Christ for making this possible. Trusting takes faith, but it is easier to believe than to doubt. He will cleanse me as I come to him with a broken heart and a contrite spirit
